Set of methods to access to the product related digital assets from an externally known information (commercial reference) and provide visualisation services for the product visuals (360 set of images, 3D models ...).
Country Availability Assessment - Catalog of countries where we have conducted performance, availability, and response time testing for this API:
- Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
If your country is not included in the list, please feel free to reach out to us directly or contact your designated Schneider Point of Contact (POC) to inquire about the API's accessibility in your country.
API Access will require oAuth authentication, please refer to the details on portal.
Parameters supported in the API:
Parameter | Data-type | Description | Example |
asset-type | string |
The type of digital asset, possible values:
Available values: 360, 3D, 360-or-3D, 3D-or-360 |
/orders/360 |
cr | string | commercial reference | BMXP342020 |
This API supports two GET operations.
ResourcePath | Mandatory Params | Optional Params | Expected Response |
/{asset-type}/view | asset-type |
cr |
Return a standalone HTML page with a 360 or 3D view of a given product. Can be used inside an hyperlink to open a standalone page / popup to visualize the product. A query parameter must be provided to select the product by providing a Commercial Reference as the product identifier. |
/{asset-type}/viewer-url | asset-type | commercial reference |
Return a link to the appropriate viewer to visualize the main asset of the given type associated to the given product. Return a link to the appropriate viewer to visualize the main asset of the given type associated to the given product. A query parameter must be provided to select the product by providing a Commercial Reference as the product identifier. |